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log coordinates for start

Verfasst: So 6. Jun 2021, 00:50
von leifnel
It would be interesting to know exaxtly where the mower starts. To keep a tab on how the "find area needing mowing by GPS" is working.,

Re: log coordinates for start

Verfasst: So 6. Jun 2021, 20:48
von SenfmitHonig
You should be able to see this by the distance the mower moves OUT on the wire tracer....
MQTT: -> traveled distance from charging station to starting point
Do you mean something like this?

Re: log coordinates for start

Verfasst: Do 24. Jun 2021, 12:51
von leifnel
No, I mean what I say. The lat/long of where the mower went from going OUT to mowing.

Edit: Well, in combination of knowing which wire it searched OUT, it might work, and probably more accurate.
I'll try it when my robonect gets back.

Re: log coordinates for start

Verfasst: Do 15. Jul 2021, 19:25
von leifnel
I'm getting this from mqtt, I haven't had enough traces yet to see if I can determine which route it traveled.
Here the GPS location is 50 seconds after the mower started. It whould be nice if a Status change triggered a GPS location.

2021-07-15T16:32:44+0200 robonect/mower/Status 5
2021-07-15T16:32:44+0200 robonect/mower/Status/plain Searching
2021-07-15T16:32:44+0200 robonect/mower/substatus 0
2021-07-15T16:32:44+0200 robonect/mower/substatus/plain
2021-07-15T16:32:44+0200 robonect/mower/Status/duration 0 Min.
2021-07-15T16:32:45+0200 robonect/mower/Status/plain Searching (65m)
2021-07-15T16:32:45+0200 robonect/mower/distance 65 m
2021-07-15T16:32:45+0200 robonect/mower/Status/plain Searching
2021-07-15T16:32:45+0200 robonect/mower/distance 0 m
2021-07-15T16:32:45+0200 robonect/mower/substatus 15
2021-07-15T16:32:45+0200 robonect/mower/substatus/plain Exit angle
2021-07-15T16:32:52+0200 robonect/mower/Status 2
2021-07-15T16:32:52+0200 robonect/mower/Status/plain Mowing
2021-07-15T16:32:52+0200 robonect/mower/substatus 1
2021-07-15T16:32:52+0200 robonect/mower/substatus/plain drives
2021-07-15T16:32:52+0200 robonect/mower/mode 1
2021-07-15T16:32:53+0200 robonect/mower/battery/charge 99 %
2021-07-15T16:33:42+0200 robonect/GPS/satellites 14
2021-07-15T16:33:42+0200 robonect/GPS/latitude xx°19.4559 N
2021-07-15T16:33:42+0200 robonect/GPS/longitude yy°28.7423 E