Joystick with camera. (Viewing together)

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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mo 5. Jul 2021, 22:26
Mäher: McCulloch ROB R600
Firmware des Mähers (MSW): MSW 6.xx.xx
Robonect Firmware: 1.3
wurde gedankt: 1 Mal

Joystick with camera. (Viewing together)

Beitrag von htilly »

I know that you should only use the Joystick when being close / visual contact with the mower.

However, if you do have a camera installed, it would be so nice to have that camera view just below the Joystick control.
As it is right now, you need to control the mower "blindness".. Go to the overview, see what has happened, and then go back to correct =) At least that's what Im doing if Im OUT traveling and need to manually get the mower back in business!

So logic goes:
If no camera detected. Leave as is.
If camera detected, show the camera feed bellow Joystick control.

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Registriert: Di 25. Okt 2016, 18:42
Wohnort: Denmark
Mäher: Husqvarna Automower 330X
Firmware des Mähers (MSW): MSW 7.xx.xx
Herstellungsjahr: 2014
Robonect-Modul: Robonect H30x (Rev.3)
Robonect Firmware: V1.3b
wurde gedankt: 3 Male

Re: Joystick with camera. (Viewing together)

Beitrag von leifnel »

At least on computer, it is possible to have multiple windows open.

I just tried having loop, battery, motors and GPS on the screen simultaneously, and the Joystick on a 5th window. All were active at the same time.
230acx + 330x

Beiträge: 4475
Registriert: Do 11. Jan 2018, 08:42
Wohnort: Würzburg
Mäher: Husqvarna Automower 315
Firmware des Mähers (MSW): MSW 10.xx.xx
Herstellungsjahr: 2017 (Modell 2018)
Robonect-Modul: Robonect Hx (Rev.5)
Robonect Firmware: 1.3 (WLAN 1.7.4)
hat sich bedankt: 160 Male
wurde gedankt: 135 Male

Joystick with camera. (Viewing together)

Beitrag von shadowkiller »

If this results in more than five connections simultaneously, you’ll get problems reaching Robonect at all, maybe.

Only if you’re wondering if this should happen…. ;)
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